

Over the course of two years, students read more than 24 books and over 100 articles, participate in a variety of spiritual formation activities, develop a spiritual community with a small group of co-learners, and experience 28 days of teaching and formational activities built around six core questions and six grand invitations:

Six Core Questions:

  1. Who is God?
  2. What is the Gospel?
  3. Who Am I?
  4. Can We Really Hear from God?
  5. Is it Actually Possible to Become Like Jesus?
  6. How Do We Cooperate with God in His Desire to Transform Us?

Six Invitations:

  1. Becoming like Jesus in the Contemplative Stream
  2. Becoming like Jesus in the Holiness Stream
  3. Becoming like Jesus in the Evangelical Stream
  4. Becoming like Jesus in the Charismatic Stream
  5. Becoming like Jesus in the Social Justice Stream
  6. Becoming like Jesus in the Incarnational Stream

If you would like to learn more about our program objectives, workflow rhythms, and course design, please enter your email address in the box below to receive our Program Overview. Thank you!